Friday, 11 July 2014

"For the moon never beams, And the stars never rise"

(Copyrights are mine)

Yes, I am still watching American horror story- series. Starting from one and re-watching another episode at a time. But never-mind that.


Unfortunately there was no real clip of the angel of death, the dark cousin, so this fan-video will have to suffice, but I was reminded of the greatness of this particular season but also the personal notions about my quality of life - and death. It's amazing the way Death is portrayed in the series. She is a kind, dark essence, relieving sufferers from earthly pains with a single, gentle kiss. If Death had a form, I wish it would be such as this:

I doubt there is any more beautifully, gracefully portrayed existence of Death.

And although I keep - yet again - mentioning death and my life in the same sentence, I am simply mentioning that life has its surprises and mysteries, and one of those mysteries is death. And although I am fairly certain death brings only nothingness I do not actually crave it yet. But since we do not know out time on this mortal coil I like to think about death as much as possible to try find a friendly face in this inevitable ending. And no matter what happens afterwards I feel that death would be a sweet release. Yet life has a lot of things to see and experience, even the most painful parts, so as long as I can, I want to explore life. Feel and suffer until the day I die. 

But hopefully that day is far from this day.

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