Saturday, 31 January 2015

"O Falon'Din Lethanavir -- Friend to the Dead, Guide my feet, calm my soul, lead me to my rest."

My fiercest fantasy-genre obsession started and ended in my early teens, but what hasn't - and won't ever - change, is my love (and obsession) for a great story and great characters. I cannot even underline those two things enough. Whether in games, books, movies or TV-shows, if your story and characters are not "whole", entwined with each other seamlessly, you will lack the most important part of any story: feeling. If I feel for the story, for the characters, then it is love. Unfortunately that is a rare thing. Most seem to want touch and look at the surface of things - which usually makes me bored or wanting for more.

It's simply not enough to force the ingredients together, adding only what you think people might want to see. I want more than pretty trees and real-enough rain. Especially the difficult, deep and complicated relations with different kinds of people is something that is sadly underrated quality when it should be perhaps the most important key-element of a great story.

One thing hasn't changed though: I love slaying dragons. It's just fucking awesome.

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