Sunday, 3 May 2015

"The Sweetness was turned to Adamantine, Heartless cruelty, and the Purity to Voluptuous Wantonness."

More diy. Now that for the time being I am feeling a tad more energetic.

Unfortunately I cannot remember where I found this picture. Perhaps from Propnomicon-blog. That blog is one of my favourites.

I am putting together a vampire slayer-kit. Unfortunately I found my wooden box to be a bit too small for it (so there's no photos), so I need to keep looking for a larger yet cheap wooden box.. which is as easy as finding a leprechaun. I found an old bible for a few cents and a cylinder shaped wood from all the woodblocks I've collected, and I sharpened it into a stake. I have a crucifix from a flea market, but I rather keep it on my wall. But for religious items I recommend religious flea-markets - if your country has one. Those types of flea markets are usually cheaper than the average ones and there's a lot of crosses and bibles.

But the whole slayer-kit project seems to be a long road of collecting different things from wherever I happen to find them. Pretty much like every project I have. I collect things and then figure out how to use them. Small glass-bottles filled with - for example - tea-leaves. Perhaps a bag made from fabric filled with garlic or some other. And I've seen steampunk-pistols and shotguns made from water-guns, or perhaps an antique-looking prop-gun from some masquerade-shop would be a good addition to the kit. Since a larger slayer-kit looks good with some firepower and - or with some wicked blades and axes.

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