Monday, 15 July 2013

Blinding lights and thundering sounds in the darkest of rooms

Finally I got the last months paycheck! Unfortunately it wasn't as much as I expected it to be, so I'm checking if it's correct or not.

And I accidentally bought few not-so-cheap t-shirts from Ebay... I put them into the shopping cart so I wouldn't forget to buy them at some point (I have too much items on my watch-list so I didn't use it), and when I bought a black ring - that's supposed to be some international asexuality-sign, I bought everything in the shopping cart, even when it was possible to take some of the items off. I might have bought them late at night, because nothing else explains that mistake... Though, now that I think about it, I'm the type of guy who does stuff like this. It's really annoying.

Although I'm kinda happy that even though I used more money than usually, the t-shirts are kinda cool, and of my taste. But I won't show them here, because I get no pleasure out of showing of my clothes :D I leave that to women or anyone else who gets pleasure posing for the cameras like a model. But what I do enjoy is buying entertainment, oddities and beautiful artistic things. So I might show some of them here. Share my joy.

I'm also few movies and tv-shows richer now.

I bought the Fly-movie collection,

Old Star Wars I-III (or are they now IV, V, VI),

Walking Dead Season 1,

Game of thrones Season 1,

Planet of the apes -collection box,

Also I bought The Lord of the rings trilogy, some old campy frog horror movie, and Ironman-movie.

What can I say, I'm a fan of horror, scifi and action. The more bizarre and wild idea, the more I'm most likely going to like it.

And I'm finally watching the final Batman movie directed by Christopher Nolan. I wasn't expecting much of it (I was disappointed in the actress-choice for Catwoman), so I didn't see this movie in the theatre.

Yet I loved the earlier Christopher Nolan's Batman-movies and of course the ones Tim Burton directed. Michelle Pfeiffer is my favourite Catwoman with the emphasis of the "woman" (when I compare her to Anne Hathaway). Sexy, evil and mad as a hatter vixen, who's strong and sneaky enough to kick any supervillains ass.

And now that I have warmed up with talking about the Batman-movie franchise, I need to mention the amazing, addicting gaming franchise: Batman Arkham.

Batman Arkham Asylum,

Batman Arkham city,

And there's more coming.
I'm not going to make a speech about their excellency, I'm just going to say, that if the dark world of Batman interests you, you will love these games to the death. I can't oversell these games enough.

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