Monday, 22 July 2013

Can't quench your desire, a little passion for fire

I've learned something about myself in the last fall, as I found myself falling in love. A tragic tale, which I won't tell here. Needless to say it's over just like all the love stories in my life.

I can love with burning passion, but I cannot make love with passion.
That's when I understood I was lacking one characteristic feature of an average person. No sexual desire. Desire yes, but that doesn't go as far as sexual desire.

It's a painful situation. To have a heart capable of such intense passion, to be able to adore someone so deeply and thoroughly, but since I'm lacking something that some might feel to be essential to relationship, I'm troubled if love would be enough without certain passionate aspects. Will I be able to find the one, who could finally be able to love me. It's always me, who is deeply in love and get my heart ripped into pieces.

Sometimes I feel like I have all the qualities of an angel or demon. Gender, sexuality and interests - I fall in the middle and outside of it all. I don't have to lack a specific gender to be peculiar enough. Sometimes I fear I already might be too peculiar cloaked with the most common appearance.

But as for the dualistic charasteristics between angel and demon - I have no idea which category I should belong to.

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