Friday, 18 April 2014


 Snake eats snake kind of world.

(Drawing by Theodoros Pelecanos)

I've been following the animal-rights news-feeds lately, especially by the Finnish activist, who released a book about the inhumane condition of farm-animals. Animal-rights questions go too far into the political subjects that I vowed not to approach in my blog, since they are too realistic, too grim. My mental condition allows me to read about things like that again, but I won't make any posts about it - not any too specific posts, I mean. 
What I wanted to say was that although my hatred towards mankind has gone back to the place where it came from, most likely because of my affecting medication, yet I keep noticing how far I am from the rest of the humankind. And by judging the people who are my family and friends, I cannot help but to notice, that there's only so few emphatic people in this world. Most of the human-race seem to be unable to feel empathy. Which makes me feel like the world of humans is a sick and dark place. If you cannot feel empathy even towards the smallest of living beings, how can you feel empathy towards other human-beings?

And I, as probably everyone else, can see everyday how much empathy people have for each other. That makes me feel like this really is a dog-eats-dog world.

If my countrymen are interested in reading the blog of the author of "Salainen päiväkirja eläintiloilta" ("The secret diary from animalfarms"), just click the books name. There might be nothing you didn't already know, yet she makes really smart notes and insights.

(Copyrights belong to me)

Into the Finnish bloglist of gothic blogs has crept few nongothic-blogs, which made me think, if the goth-scene is getting "watered-down". By that I mean that if some people feel that they don't really qualify as gothic yet they hold on to that categorization for their own purposes even when it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the blogger and their blogs. Which doesn't concern me, rather just puzzles and confuses me. I do not judge, and at times I can barely consider my style gothic, yet I was wondering if it is not just about watered-down gothic-style but a way to trick more viewers... which I would judge, if the whole idea behind it is to get more viewers by false pretenses. You should have enough confidence in your blog that you wouldn't need trick-measures. And what is the point of trying to make a blog just for getting a lot of readers or viewers... Sometimes I cannot understand the human-race (sorry for the generalization).

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