Sunday, 20 April 2014

The Scent of Earth

(Copyrights belong to me)

It's warm outside. Sunlight warms up the earth, birds sing everywhere. This is what we all have been waiting for anxiously. And here it is. And soon it will be summer.
All the past memories have faded away into the shadows and I don't think about tomorrow, and just enjoy every day at a time.

I'm still studying for the "college" entrance-exams. And speaking of which, I need to get back to it. But I wanted to make this short post only to marvel the wonders spring has brought back.

Cannot wait for the weather to get warmer. To drink beer on the balcony and perhaps get myself a grill to barbecue on. And for my actual first summer-vacation I could go roaming the nearby woods. See what I can find there. 
There's a lot of things to look forward to.

(Copyrights belong to me)

(Copyrights belong to me)

An old family-tradition in the summer-time has been watching horror-movies. I could make a list here about some of them at some time, though the internet is already full of lists. Perhaps I could make a list of classical horror-movies and newer horror-movies that are actually worth the watch.

If the sunlight gets too warm you can try to feel cooler by reading chilling horror-stories. Here's a nice collection of short horror-stories from the amazing - and one of my favourite - blog "Pumpkinrot": Horrorstories.

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