Friday, 31 October 2014

Horrifying Halloween

Hm, unfortunately I have no pictures or words to share at this moment. Halloween sneaked up on me once again, and I repeated the same mistake of not preparing well enough for it. I could've done paper-mache pumpkins or pumpkin-lanterns from old glass jars or something like that but instead I looked through local stores only to notice that they have no Halloween-stuff for sale and the pumpkin-lights I found from a web-shop haven't arrived and after looking through feedback from the store the lights might never arrive. Thankfully I chose a bill as a method of payment so no harm there. It seems that I only have candles. And candy. I think they will suffice just fine. Perhaps next year I will purchase something for the event.

Tomorrow I will see family and that's my Halloween.

Never the less it seems I won't be able to take any Halloween-appropriate photographs yet again. So enjoy this song perfect for any Halloween parties or walks in the night under a crescent moon.

EDIT: A song once again removed from the source. So just search for Type O Negative "Wolf moon".

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