Monday, 3 November 2014

What do you say to the God of Death? - Not today.

(Copyrights mine)

Halloween is over, and I am paying for the lack of sleep. Every time I suffer from lack of sleep my mind starts to slip into the dark places.


I also found fascinating the attitudes of my female-friends and family-member towards sexual females in games. Even when they are bisexuals they get annoyed by game-women who have large breasts or - and who are sexually open-minded or openly sexual. Is it some kind of basic feeling, to be threatened by large breasted beauties that are aggressive in their pursuit for men or they are flirty or in some other way openly sexual. When I would think that my female-friend might be attracted to this beautiful game-woman with heart of gold, she was annoyed and disgusted, and she wasn't the only woman who felt that way. I was a bit disappointed that the behavior and looks of the character was enough to lose all interest in getting to know her.

And although this is a game-character example from real-life, I wonder how well it would prove to be equally true in real life. I'm sure that if I would've asked them to give her a chance they might have seen a person behind the physical features and the characters social "games".

I have confronted situations when I felt threaten in real life by friend's boyfriend, but that was years ago and I haven't felt that way after that. And in that situation I could recognize that it was something basic in me. I think what changed was the role of solitary existence which I learned to embrace thus not feeling threatened by sharing my friends time with their better halves. But in games, a thing only other gamer's get, I've never felt disgusted nor annoyed by some character by the way they look and behave. Is it my lack of sexuality which makes it harder to understand? Can I see more of the person rather than the acts and words? I would like to think so, but I think no one can be that just. It is something else, but this subject along with female-reactions will remain a mystery to me.


And I also wanted to write about couple of stereotypical assumptions that haven't been based on any facts.

Assumption nro 1.
"Asexual's are impotent."

- Fact is that asexuality and impotence have nothing to do with each other. Asexual's can have perfectly healthy bodies and their bodily functions can work just fine but of course anyone might have problems in that department no matter how existing or non-existing their sexual drive is. But those problems have nothing to do with sexuality or the lack of it.

Assumption nro 2.
"Bisexuals cannot be in a relationship because they would soon crave for the other gender. They can never settle only just for one."

- Fact is that bisexuality isn't such a different thing from hetero- or homosexuality. The same reasons for being in a relationship or for cheating or for being satisfied sexually do not differ with bisexuals. If you want to be in a relationship, found someone you love, you won't sooner or later start craving for the other gender than the one you are with. The same things apply here than with any faithful or unfaithful relationships. You are either a faithful lover or you are not. You can either be with only one person or you cannot. Sexuality has nothing to do with that. And bisexuals do not have any magical powers that make them amazing lovers with the same gender, so they do not start planning of dumping you just because you are the opposite gender. How well of a lover someone is depends on many things and being the same gender doesn't automatically make anyone a talented lover.

I think there might be some other funny incorrect assumptions out there but these two came to mind so I wanted to write about them, although who would believe what anyone says when they have already made their minds. 

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