Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Bitter Wine

(Copyrights belong to yours truly)

I've become cynical. Perhaps even bitter. I'm sure all that is obvious from my previous post. I feel like a doomsday preacher and it's easier to write how much I detest humanity than to tell it. Forming that into words gives a wrong impression. I just don't see any hope for the future. I'm sure some people had these thoughts even centuries ago, and nothing bad happened. I cannot help feeling that this generation is part of the end - whatever that will be.

And I'm also quite sure my own disappointing relationships with people have had their part in this cynical hopelessness and the disability to see almost any good in humanity. I'm aware how selfish that sounds, yet I can't help the way I feel.

After a while the wine of all earthly pleasures turn into dust in your mouth.

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