Saturday, 8 February 2014

My Dark Friends spread their Black Wings to Greet Me

 (Copyrights belong to yours truly so no copying thank you)

I went for a walk today. I brought my camera with me too. It was amazing walk, since I finally got to see the forest which next to I'm living in. I mean, that living in a city doesn't allow me to go to forests. But now I can go there. And it was purifying experience. Almost ecstatic experience. There was other people walking some of the same paths, which wasn't so bad since I was just happy to be there. I cannot wait till the summer comes, and I can go even deeper into the wild. Now there's a lot of snow and it's tiring to walk there. Good for the health, but skiing would be easier.

In any case it was purifying experience. It reminded me of all those days I roamed my childhood forests. It felt like I was feeding up the energy around me. It's in my mind, that feeling, but that doesn't change the fact, how walking in a forest impacts me. I cannot seem to find the right words to describe it.

There's a night and day- difference between my photographs and people who are actually professionals, have great equipment or have gone through several courses to learn photographing. I just do it because it's fun and quick. I've also planned to paint paintings from my photographs, but that's a project that has been hanging in the air for quite some time. Two years ago I started to make few paintings, but all of them were more or less unfinished.
The good thing is that I'm feeling more energetic so I have faith that I will be able to continue working with those paintings at some point. 

  (Copyrights belong to yours truly so no copying thank you)

It was a day for black and white photographs, but I decided to add colour-versions here just because there's nice shades of blue in the picture.

On the same topic; in the next week I'm going to go get my first developed films, that have been waiting in my drawer for a year. I do not even know if the film-camera worked - or if I managed to keep the film in good condition, like it wasn't exposed to high temperature-changes or nothing like that. I just took pictures and waited until I had some extra-money to get the pictures developed. So the moment of truth is close.
If there's any film-camera enthusiastic's reading this, I must say, that developing films in a store is very expensive. The best solution would be to develop the film yourself, if you have the space for it and you can fund the equipment and the liquids. You could develop several dozen films before you would need more liquids for it. And films, and film-camera's - probably film-objects too - aren't expensive anymore. That's something I wish I could do someday, but now I do not have the space nor the funding.
Film-photographing is nice since the pictures look good no matter how lousy of a photographer you are. Well, perhaps you need to have the eye for it at least, but I really enjoyed it. I recommend it for everyone who haven't tried it.

(Copyrights belong to me)


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