Monday, 17 February 2014

Hostis Humani Generis

(Copyrights belong to me)

Enemy of the Mankind.

If I had one wish; met a genie, wished upon a flying star or met some strange god whom to pray to, I'd wish for the end of Mankind.

I have a soft heart. Sometimes I think it's too soft for anyone to bear. I have a soft heart for children, for women, for the elderly, for men who are like my brothers and yet there are often thoughts if not realizations, that all things I love will die because of men. Even there are times I look upon my family and friends - even my own reflection in the mirror - and I feel sad, tired, disappointed.

For me, this Earth is hell. There can be no other hell to go to. And if there is, it must feel like a vacation after this life here.

I'm not the only one who has seen the end of our days. I feel such grief already. Perhaps ever since I was a child and I begin to understand things. Now I look at the things I love with adoring gaze, apologetic, and I wish the end of Mankind would come soon. And I wish I could carry this disappointment and turn this resentment into something more bearable. And I wish to all the gods and all the stars that I could bear this grief over my loved ones, that continue to wither and die. My own death is inevitable as is all the natural deaths, so I will continue to live, continue to suffer as long as I can take it. I will gather every last bitter drop of it, take a pencil, a brush and a chisel and form it into a mirror. I hope you would see your reflection. I hope it would make you love the unloved ones once more. That I could see humanity in your eyes instead of that blank, hollow shell without a soul.

(Copyrights belong to yours truly)


I'm sure some of the readers wonder who is this melodramatic writer, but I have the advantage to write whatever I wish since I do not have to please anyone. Even these recurring thoughts or feelings about humanity. I do not think there's a cure for this although my mood otherwise has improved with medicine and therapy. There's no cure for the human nature.

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