Wednesday, 18 June 2014

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

My fake-fireplace is almost ready. I used all the wood-pieces I've gathered over the years from trash-sites. I first gathered wood-boards for painting; pieces of shelves, cabinet doors and whatever bigger pieces I happened to come across. I find re-using things the smart thing to do since just keep buying wood from the stores is quite pointless when people throw away so much of them. You can't even use them as firewood if they are painted or if the population doesn't have fireplaces or don't want to gather discarded boards to burn. There are of course cheap wood-boards for sale, like the hardboard, and it is quite good for painting. Not as easy to hang on the wall for being so thin, but it is light and cheap.
Anyway, I ran out of fitting pieces for my fireplace, but it doesn't matter since it is almost done. I shared a website-link - or two - in one of my previous posts, but there are a lot of instructions for building one. All you need to do is look.

And the painting for the roof is still underway. It's going to be a lot of work, since there are so many small details. I probably have to work on it for a long time.

I've also been planning to make my own tarot-cards. For that I think I could find a cheap, probably used, plain card-pack, paint it white and then use ink to draw the pictures I want. And of course I will plan the pictures myself.

I find the cards to be beautiful works of art. And also the original mysticism around them fascinates me. I'd like to read more about them, like how they became to be, and how they managed to survive in the world of Christianity. After all, the Christians tried to destroy every last thing that had anything to do with mysticism, witch-craft and anything not-christian-god-related. Also why are the cards what they are; why is there a Tower-card or a Hermit-card. They interest me.

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