Saturday, 28 June 2014


(Copyrights belong to me)

(Copyrights belong to me)

It's been a long time since I had contact with another human being. Most of my life has been like that but even a small touch feels noticeably different now. I am reminded of what it is like to be close with another human-being. And yet even at times my heart beats a bit faster when near beauty, I just go on my way with a firm "nope". I still want to be by myself. It has been more than enough.

Now that my first summer-vacation is over, I am feeling exhausted again. Too much so, that I can't get a lot done.
And since I didn't get to college, as I probably forgot to mention here, I am planning to raise up money for couple short trips. Perhaps I should start with Paris and London. I work a demeaning job, with minimal-wage so my future-plans on-hold cannot stop me from living my life. And since I've invested on my home I should start to invest on my spirit; see the world even just a little bit. I've never had the money and although I'm not really a traveling-type, I do acknowledge the spirituality and the wisdom, the experience and the beauty that exists in many corners of this blue orb of ours. And thus I make it my goal.

It seems that the summer is over even before it started. About two months of summer is horrifyingly little. June and July are usually warm and sunny unless the global warming turns them into rainy and cold. And August is mostly sunny but it is cold in the mornings and evenings. And then there's a radical change from a bit sunny to rainy and grey and cold. Until the snow comes. Unless the global warming makes the snow into rain and you have to look at this damp, black and rainy scenery from October to January. But if we are lucky enough to get the snow and frost, it lightens up the scenery enough to make it bearable from November till March. Usually in April there are more signs of spring but the spring lasts/ends in May.
And then the cycle begins anew.

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