Saturday, 7 June 2014

"Aures habent et non audient"

Poor man's do-it-yourself: 
a found bottle and the remains of my window-paint from the earlier post "The Full Circle".

I apologize for the blurry photo, but I wasn't sure if I would even put this picture here so I took only one quick shot. I wanted to share this if there are anyone who can't afford to buy actual artistic occult-bottles - which was my inspiration on this one - and who, like me,  like to do stuff for themselves just to get things for themselves as quickly as the first inspiration comes to mind. Things, that are not perfect, but still they please me. Which is the main reason for doing anything. All the books I've been painting all the paintings and what-not's have always been just for me. And yet I think I might not be the only one. So if anyone gets an idea from this technique I used, I hope I could help somehow.

If I weren't so lazy as I am, this un-perfectionist, I could take a better picture. But enough about explaining my lack of carefulness! I had mostly red window-paint left so I used that although I would have preferred to use black paint instead. Although I do like the colour red, I still don't like to use it much. Mostly in paintings but otherwise my home hasn't got many red things.

At some other time I could show the books I've been painting. I think I wrote some other posts about finding free used books to decorate, so to speak, so that's an interesting project which I recommend to anyone out there, who might like to make some artistic-books for themselves. No reason to throw old books away when you can give them a new life.

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