Sunday, 17 January 2016

"Elgara vallas, da'len, Melava somniar, Mala taren aravas Ara ma'desen melar"

(Copyrights belong to me)

Trying out different medications. Unable to work at the moment, but need to return back within two weeks time. Trying to relax, played some games, but all is for naught with this anxiety, which I blame on my medication. Different medication and different way it works in me. Difficult to write about it, but I hope few minor adjustments would help me get back where I was if not help me get a bit better.

But it is tough to abandon all your future dreams and ambitions. I must admit that this is my life now, and who knows it will be my life for the rest of my life. There might be no way for me to get any better. Depression had become such a large part of me, like a cancer - sorry about the metaphor cancer-patients, but it feels fitting to call it that. I guess only depressed understand other depressed people.

Anyway, there's not much to write about. with the sudden bursts of energy I managed to start painting few paintings, but all of it has to wait till I feel better with this anxiety that takes all my time and energy.

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