Tuesday, 19 January 2016

"Next stop: Everywhere!"

"Doctor Who". There's not many who haven't heard of the tv-show. There are hardcore-fans and people who are ordinary fans. I'm an ordinary fan, who heard about the show, checked it and liked it. Someone told me to watch it with a "twinkle in my eye", which is a horrible translation from Finnish to English, but what it means is that you shouldn't take it too seriously. You cannot expect a lot, because it is made with a small budget and the story and script isn't pure gold, but it is very good. For me I liked it the first time I saw it but I like it even more each time I watch it.

But I must admit I belong to the group of people who do not like much of the newer episodes with Matt Smith. For me it isn't the new Doctor that bothers me. Something has changed about the show, and I cannot put my finger on the exact problem I have with it. Of course there's the completely new Doctor now, 2014-2016, Peter Capaldi, but I haven't watched many of the new episodes to say if they are any good. 

I won't write a review, I leave that to other people, I just shortly introduce the show as one of the best scifi tv-shows of this century. It's a show that makes you smile and leaves you with a good mood. But it also has some touching stories not to mention horrors, that especially grab my attention.

My favourite episodes that include many great elements and are very well executed are "The empty child" and "Impossible planet". Many of the old episodes remind me of one other great tv-show: "The Twilight zone". If anyone reading this hasn't yet given a chance to "Doctor Who", I recommend that you give it a proper chance - emphasis on the word "proper". If you watch it with an open mind, you might find a new adventure.


If this doesn't pique your curiosity, nothing will.

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