Thursday, 14 January 2016

"Last night a moth came to my bed, And filled my tired weary head, With horrid tales of you, I can't believe it's true"

(My Hannibal-inspired decoration)

Finished and unfinished diy-projects:

(Oblivion and Skyrim inspired books and "statue" of Nocturnal - unfinished, a fossil-hand and an unfinished vampire-slayer kit)

Some are inside shelves behind.. things, so I just took some pictures the best I could and mostly with a flash. Sorry about that. Also my camera is broken, so it's hard to use it for more than few seconds at time.

My unfinished vampire-slayer kit. Contains different kinds of bottles, one wooden stick, sharpened into a stake, toy-gun, some kind of saw, religious stuff like a bible, crosses and so forth. The box needs a layer of paint and I still haven't figured out how to assemble the things inside it. Cheap to make especially if you get lucky and find a wooden chest from a dumpster. Insanely lucky, especially if you're poor like me. I just look for other slayer kits and figure out how to assemble mine.

(Diy-fireplace and "antique" globe)

A diy-fireplace; a bit unfinished. Not the best looking one, I know. It looks so much better without the flash, since it's usually dim lighting in here. Also the "stonewall" need some shine in them, so I need to buy some kind of paint that makes it shine and look more like stone. To make your own fireplace, I recommend you to google it with the words "do it yourself". There's some good instructions out there, I usually improvise everything with what I have or what I can find as cheap as possible.

Average plastic blue earth-globe painted to look a bit older with gold-paint and white and ochre-color paint. You don't need much of the paint so it's quite cheap to make, if you can find a crappy globe with decent price - unlike I did.

Part of me feels like I should explain why a guy is interested in making stuff like these, but I won't. I think I've written about it before, at some other blog-post, so that'll do.

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