Monday, 26 August 2013

"Love will swallow You whole and pick His teeth with Your bones"

The Office (US) and Assassins Creed are the key-words of this week.

Although I'm not really getting into the AC, I'm still trying.
I need more freedom in the game or something that grasps my interest.
And The Office-tv show is great and funny whether it's the US-version or the UK-version.

Also I've promised to be a test(?)reader for my friends story.

A dog-fever has taken over me. I keep seeing cute dogs everywhere. Unlike cats dogs are always happy-looking and they get excited over every little thing. Just looking at them makes me smile.
I had my mind decided on getting two husky-dogs after I one day get my own house, but I've been stretching my resolution with thinking about getting a small dog that would manage in smaller apartments until I would get the house, I've always dreamed of.

But getting a dog is much more hard work and brings much more expenses than a cat. So I'm just been playing with the idea in my mind.

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