Sunday, 25 August 2013

The Winter is coming, my Summer Childs.

Living in my hometown spells safety to me. Familiar streets and views filled with a lot of good and sad memories, makes the walk around the town filled with nostalgic feelings.
 I once saw a small decorative sign that said something like this: "Home is where memories are born". Very corny text, but I couldn't help but to ponder the truth in those words. Living in a completely new city or town means that you have to make all the memories in an unknown period of time. And before you can look at the city's skyline and think to yourself that "this is my home", you're going to feel lonely and out of place.

This is based on my own experience.

I know people who just want to leave their hometowns and make their new homes somewhere else. Maybe somewhere exciting, in some big city. I was once like that, but as time went by, I started to dislike the idea of getting trapped in the middle of thousands of people and loud noises, without any quiet and private place. I like being by myself at times, so I don't get my comfort from noises from outside the windows or behind the floors, walls and roof. I can understand, that to some, all the living surrounding them might make them feel like a part of the world, and I can relate to that, but I wouldn't want to live like that.
I was born and raised in a small village, so I find my comfort from the sound of the wind, smell of trees, dirt and hay and even though not many survive without human companions, I do want to be able to walk out the door and walk somewhere, where I can be by myself.

So I like this small town with its familiar streets and shops. Even if I would leave here someday, I might return.

(Copyrights belongs to yours truly)


My medication might be working. Hard to tell. And I'm not sure if I want to write about that. It's a sensitive matter especially when I don't feel as good as I hope I would.

I took a risk and drank couple glasses of red wine. Alcohol is like candy to me, so I stretched my patience as far as I could until I just wanted to drink it, no matter what. The problem was the medication, but I feel fine, so maybe it doesn't have any affect when alcohol is consumed. To be  on the safe side, I did settle for a couple of glasses. Fine wine it was. A bit on the sweet side maybe - but not too sweet. A berry-like flavour. I can't give any accurate description, since I'm not a professional or educated amateur, I just enjoy them.

(Serenata Cabernet Sauvignon)

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