Monday, 19 August 2013

"Oh, Lilian, Look what you've done, You've stripped my heart, Ripped it apart, In the name of fun"

I'm starting to feel more normal after a couple weeks of disorientation, distress and all in all confusion and unwell.

The failed relationship, time wasted and dreams postponed for nothing. Left with a broken heart and the realization, that everything I thought to be true, was nothing but a big lie, took its toll on me. I believe all that was wearing me out, but with the help of medication, I can get better.

Also part of the reasons I'm in this condition is the feeling of the weight of years slipping away, without getting forward with my ambitions and dreams. That eats me up inside.
And the past I've had. All the sickness and violence, sleepless nights, heart ache and heartbreak.

It's all still overwhelming to talk about.

I'm just glad I have a bigger dosage of antidepressants to help me get through this.

Unfortunately I have nothing else of interest to tell right now. I've almost finished the Walking Dead telltale version, and it's been a hell of a ride. I had a chance to compare the tv-show with the game, and for my amazement I noticed that unlike with the game, the characters of the show could bash zombie's brains in without getting a drop of blood on them. I don't know if television limits the freedom to be realistic in some things.

And in the game, there's some things that I could imagine happening in a zombie-apocalypse, and things I could have not imagined, yet after realizing what the things are and how they are brought up in the game, I wish the tv-show would get imaginative like that. I mean, there are bandits, secluded survival camps and harsh acts in the name of survival, but they haven't gone into details of what it would be like to live in a world that has been destroyed by zombie-apocalypse. Some things have been shown, some things haven't.

I don't want to spoil the shock of finding out those things yourself, so I won't mention them.

But it's a great journey to discover the plot twists yourself.

(Copyrights belongs to yours truly)

(Copyrights belongs to yours truly)

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