Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The nightmare before Christmas on a hot summer's day

For my own amusement and joy, I'm already planning a small Halloween party for me and my friends. Planning keeps my thoughts on a happier direction, so I don't get lost in brooding.

I have never been in any Halloween parties before, although those have been a popular thing for few years - I think. I'm really clumsy with social situations, so I don't have that many friends, but the quality overcomes the quantity. Because of my lack of social skills, I've not made that many friends who might have invited me to any Halloween parties or get-together's. Now it's my chance to change this unfortunate outcome by having a party of my own.

Sometimes it does bother me, that I can't seem to get to know any new people, but it bothers me less and less as the years go by. I have to make peace with what I can't succeed in.

I wish there would've been a tradition of celebrating Halloween when I was a kid. The only time of the year, when Finnish children dress up and go gather candy from relatives or neighbors is Easter. I never dressed up for Easter, but I did get my share of candy and coin. Nice memories. But now that I'm more (or less) an adult, I enjoy more sinister themes that Halloween presents. And Halloween has the tradition of horror and scare, which I like. For example; horror movies. And I love a good horror movie. So for the past couple of years I have spent Halloween by myself watching some classic horror movies, like Halloween or the Friday the 13th while eating candy - and for your information, I'm not the kind of guy, who would be embarrassed of having a serious case of sweet tooth. As a child, I often wondered how adults seemed to be immune to sweets, but as years went by, I never seemed to get tired of it. Candy, cakes, pies, you name it, I love it.
I might be a bit more embarrassed to admit it to anybody, but since this is anonymous, I see no harm sharing all my "dark"secrets.

(photo from

If I could afford it, I'd like to travel to US some time to see the extent of celebrating Halloween overseas. They seem to enjoy making any holiday into a real festival.

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