Saturday, 21 September 2013

"A murderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window."

The best way to get really cheap classical literature books is to buy them used in some other language instead of Finnish. I've found several really cheap English literature books that are used but in mint condition. If I would be better in Swedish, I could also buy Swedish books, since not so many people wants to buy books in other languages, that's why used books get insanely cheap. Everything that has been translated or written in Finnish is quite expensive even in used books. To found something worth finding for takes about 1/100 chance. So instead of mooning over fly market books that cost surprisingly lot for being used and old, I've turned my attention to cheap and good conditioned ones in English. It's also great to read books that were originally written in English. Nothing gets lost in the translation.


And talking about old yet good things, last night you could have seen Alfred Hitchcock's classic movie "Rear window". If you are not prejudiced about old movies, you would like Hitchcock's work. Classical thrillers. And the "Rear window" is my favourite one. The plot has a smooth interesting flow to it, the characters and dialogue are interesting and no matter how old the movie is, the excitement does not grow old. You still after seeing the movie several times, get intensely into it.

Lt. Doyle: You didn't see the killing or the body. How do you know there was a murder?
Jeff: Because everything this fellow's done has been suspicious: trips at night in the rain, knifes, saws, trunks with rope, and now this wife that isn't there anymore.
Lt. Doyle: I admit it does have a mysterious sound. But it could be any number of things for the wife disappearing. Murder is the least part.
Jeff: Now, Doyle, don't tell me that he's just an unemployed magician amusing the neighborhood with his sleight of hand. Don't tell me that.

Lisa: The last thing Mrs. Thorwald would leave behind would be her wedding ring. Stella, do you ever leave yours at home?
Stella: The only way somebody would get that would be to chop off my - finger. Let's go down to the garden and find out what's buried there.
Lisa: Why not? I always wanted to meet Mrs. Thorwald.

And for the extremely supreme eye-candy, the movie has the lovely, beautiful and talented actress Grace Kelly. I don't usually really care for blondes, but she just takes my breath away. One of the most beautiful woman in the history of cinema. She might be one reason that made me see a dream about someone - mentioned in the bottom of this page.

Jeff: She wants me to marry her.
Stella: That's normal.
Jeff: I don't want to.
Stella: That's abnormal.

Abnormal indeed.

The only a bit disappointing Hitchcock-movie, that was spot on for almost the whole movie's length, was "Vertigo". 

When the last minute of the movie started and you were expected to be in a shock by the last major twist in the movie, I just started laughing. Sure, it was a surprising twist, and it was half-surprised laughter yet it was also laughter out of the absurdity of the scene.
"Vertigo" was voted to be the best movie in the history of cinema ( after the classical "Citizen Kane" (by Orson Welles) had ruled the polls, but as I can understand why "Vertigo" would be voted to be the best, after seeing "Citizen Kane", I was surprised by the way it was said to be such a amazing movie. To me, it was a disappointment.


And as for personal matter; I had a dream last night about some old beloved of mine. It was nice yet confusing dream, although the waking hour has dimmed the experience into a foggy after-feeling, and the realization what happened in the dream. Of course the waking hour differs from dream like the night does from the day, but dreams do always make me think about the things I've felt and thought and done in the dream. I compare them in the light of day to see how they seem and how much truth can be found in them.

I don't know how I feel about the dream. Not just yet. All I know is that it was really nice to feel loved even if it was just a plain old dream.

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