Saturday, 14 September 2013

"Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily - life is but a dream"

(Copyrights belongs to yours truly)

In Ancient Greek mythology, Proserpina the daughter of Demeter - goddess of the Harvest - ate a grenade apple in Hades, and was trapped to Hades for half of the year, since if you would eat anything in Hades, you would be doomed to spent the eternity there. While she was in Hades, the plants started to die, and winter came, because Proserpina's mother wept for her stolen daughter, and so Zeus ordered Proserpina to be returned to the world of the living. Still the damage was done, and so six months she spent in Hades ruling as the queen alongside the husband - she was forced to take. But when she was able to leave Hades for the half part of the year, the plants started to grow and spring came with her to the world of the living, as the mother and daughter were back together again.

As the leaf's cover our trail with gold, Proserpina is returning back into Hades. 

I had this painting - medieval art styled - about Hades and Proserpina. It's a perfect metaphor for my longing heart.


I've seen my friend and family after something that feels like a long time. That really made my week and I feel like I can go on for sometime with this. I'm usually on my own, so at times I need human contact. At least a bit after periods of solitude.


Today's thoughts were about reality. I don't know how long I've felt this way, but everything outside my apartment seems unreal. If it's the medication or the artist in me, that's how I feel.

Also another random thought of today: cat's do not appreciate antique. I got couple of amazing chairs for amazingly cheap, and my cat's think the chairs are for sharpening their claws...


Curiouser, curiouser...

Here's a couple of webshops I will put in mind the next time I have some extra coin:




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