Tuesday, 3 September 2013

"We will go no further - Here starts the Land of Phantoms"

Why I chose three pictures about monsters? Dating-life makes me feel like a monster. Not that I am a monster by personality or by my appearance, but it is quite difficult to find someone who would find me interesting enough.

That's not a complaint. That's just an observation based on facts.

And also all my love-affairs have ended tragically for me. Damsel's do not share love with me. It's always me. It's always onesided. And now I feel like I'm complaining. So I will stop.


Ill Luck - Charles Baudelaire

This heavy burden to uplift,
O Sysiphus, thy pluck is required!
And even though the heart aspired,
Art is long and Time is swift.

Afar from sepulchres renowned,
To a graveyard, quite apart,
Like a broken drum, my heart,
Beats the funeral marches' sound.

Many a buried jewel sleeps
In the long-forgotten deeps,
Far from mattock and from sound;

Many a flower wafts aloft
Its perfumes, like a secret soft,
Within the solitudes, profound.

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