Sunday, 8 September 2013

Greed is one of the seven sins

Oh, I'm so taken by the spam websites that "watch" my blog 100 times a month. I feel so special...


And now I have to admit, that if I don't stop buying things and pay the already bought things, I might get into trouble, if something would happen to my current financial situation. So now I won't buy anything except couple cheap things per month and pay the already bought purchases, so I won't have to feel stressed.

I have a rule, that if I buy something expensive or several things, and I start to get a teensy bit worried how the rest of the month will go after I've spent a lot of money, I can't regret it. I have to enjoy the things I have already bought. Stressing or regretting is just waste of time and takes the joy out of the gift you've given yourself. Life's hard, things can get hellish, so why not enjoy the little things.

Or as one wise man once said: 
"Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee."

Since I don't have a camera, which is one of the expensive things I should get, and I really need one, I have to copy these purchases from the webshop, I bought them from:
I can recommend that shop to my countrymen. There's a lot of interesting stuff there.

I also bought brain-icemould, but I couldn't find it from the webshop anymore. Maybe it's still there somewhere.

I also wanted something luxurious so I bought myself a bathrobe. I have never owned a bathrobe. This will come in handy.
And it seems my cat likes how soft it is, since he's been sleeping on my lap for quite some time now.

And the most expensive and luxurious item I got was a modern gramophone designed to be used also as a cd-player.

(EDIT 9.12.2013: I had to change the picture since the webshop seemed to not appreciate free commercializing and the pictures don't work no more. So here's way too dark picture of my gramophone, so I will someday share a better picture of it.)

I have to admit, that this gramophone is now one of my most precious treasures. I have always wanted a gramophone, but at first I thought about getting antique one, but since this is modern and plays cd's, it's in many ways a lot better.  


I used to think that I'm not a materialist. I didn't have much possessions, mostly because I was poor, and I was so used to it, that I didn't realistically thought that I could get anything I sometimes thought I would want.

But with these several years I have collected many things that I have always wanted to have, but didn't think I could ever have them or even really want to have them.

And now I find a lot of interesting objects; books, movies, decor, that I find fascinating.

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The American Pottery Barn. Heard a lot about it in tv-shows and whatnot, but accidentally ran into their website: awesome Halloween stuff.

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