Monday, 7 October 2013

La Mer

Beautiful autumn day.

The sunlight really brightens up the yellow and red trees. Although I'm not a huge fan of the autumn colours, I can't deny their beauty at this light.

Probably tonight you could see numerous stars in the sky as long as the clouds stay away.

I think I'm quite happy now. The feeling comes most likely from my medication, but I am usually quite happy and a content person. It was just everything that happened to me in the past year that changed me from a happy carefree guy into this barely functioning wreck of a man. 

Even when I lived alone, I was happy with my life. Seasons came and changed, and I found pleasant things from my life and I couldn't have asked for more. Of course I used to dream about having someone special, since everyone wants and needs to feel loved, but I was also just content at dreaming about having something more in my life. Not to make my life somehow more than what it is and always has been, but to bring something more into it. If that makes any sense.

I believe in making life matter for myself. I don't need any other reasons to live and find happiness but to find the meaning and the balance from making my life good for me. It could  
have been just a whole lot of small things, but as long as they made me smile, they were more than enough.
If you have to start looking happiness and fulfillment only from outside yourself, and not finding the core of it from within you, then when all the things that make you feel like your life matters and you're achieving your meaning in life disappears - as we know, nothing lasts forever - you would lose everything. The whole base that kept you content and gave you reason to get up in the morning would no longer exist. To me that sounds like a very dangerous way to live. You can't only base your happiness and dreams on other people. You need to find things you enjoy and that makes you happy. It can't only be your career either, but that's something that can make everyday seem like a dream.

And I'm still continuing with the Bioshock -gameseries soundtrack. It's simply amazing and beautiful. 

Here's a song that you might have heard somewhere. For example in the season 1 of American Horror Story:

I'm listening these songs from my gramophone to get into the right mood.

Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to play the newest game: Bioshock Infinite, although I have heard that it's really spectacular game.

Since I linked a bunch of these songs and nothing about the actual games, I might make my next update about the games.

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