Saturday, 12 October 2013

The Coven of Witches

Single-life really ain't bad. You can fulfill whatever whims and desires you get. 

Want to watch a movie? Any kind of movie you want? 
- Definitely.
Want to buy ice-cream and eat the whole damn thing by yourself? 
- Go ahead.
Want to buy things for yourself even if that means that you might have to eat porridge for the rest of the month? 
- You do that.
Want to paint/play video games all day/night long?
- Why not!

Those are just one examples when you're the king of your own house and you make the decisions for yourself. You have yourself to pamper. And maybe some pets too. 
Maybe couples who are perfect for each other can be individuals at the same time they're together, but I haven't experienced that. My individuality was reduced - besides many other things, but I like now that my home is my home again. I can do whatever I want with it. And it's slowly starting to look more and more amazing. If I had more money I would get some taxidermy-things and oddities, but I make do with what I have and what I can create.

(Could not find the artist of these Halloween-comic strips. Inform me if you know the name.)

I've been watching way too many tattoo reality tv-shows. It's just part of my relaxing after work, and I don't want to start watching any good new series because I need to study (and I need to focus a lot more now because that hasn't gone so well lately). 

Tattoo artist is one profession I have thought about since it's one way to stay as an artist and do art for a living, but it's a really difficult road. I'm not completely ruling it out, though. Let's first see what happens with the entrance exams in the spring. Then I know how many back-up plans I will need. I say "back-up" but what I mean is that I have few plans for my future, and all of them are quite hard to achieve, so I need to try my luck with all of them to see what will be the road for me. I don't mean to make anything sound trivial or unimportant.


American Horror Story: Coven has already started airing new episodes. The first episode was amazing, just pure gold!

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