Sunday, 20 October 2013

The snow covered ground

And now I will share with you another subject, which is somewhat new even to me.

I don't know what kind of quality the modern school sex-education has, but in my time, which surprisingly isn't that long ago, there wasn't much talk about the fact how many different kind of people there are. I think there might have been something in the book we read, but we never really talked about it.
It came as a surprise even to me, since no adults talked about homosexuals, asexual's, transgenders or any kind of type of people who aren't white average heterosexuals. I had to learn about this whole another world, which existed all around me, from television series and movies and eventually from the internet.

Because all those natural things, those aspects of people were mysteries and unknown to me, I had to learn about those things from the hard way, which in my case meant years of wondering, feelings of being an outsider - though my basic being is an outsider, so it didn't take any more affect than it regularly does.

I had questions about these feelings I had, and I turned to the wondrous world of the world wide web to appease my concerns, and after some reading and weeks of self searching I carefully came into the conclusion that I was - in fact - an asexual. 
It's really something that varies from person to person. It appears and means different things in different people. I don't know what kind of mental image people have of asexuality. I thought it was being someone who doesn't want to have intercourse, and of course that notion is the right one. The whole matter in a nutshell.

I don't really think about that thing much. It made sense to me, and I've been going with it ever since. I think the percent of asexual's in the whole world was approximately 1%. At least trying to find comrades is a bit difficult inside the borders.

I think there's not much else to tell about asexuality. It's simply the opposite of sexuality. Sexual people can just imagine the opposite and that's it. And then there's the difference between people. Not every sexual's want to have sex all the time or want it in some specific way and there's just a lot of differences between all the people in the world. I can't point out some specific things about asexuality that would be universally true besides the fact I already established previously.

I enjoy beauty that I find appealing. I like to draw and paint women - with or without clothes, and usually without them, and it's all just my affection towards the gender and especially towards women that have the kind of beauty I find intoxicating. So I guess for sexual people you might add some desire in that scenario, but for me it's just adoration and affection.
I'm still figuring out what being asexual practically means to me. I'm still new in that. All I know is that I can love and I can feel all kinds of affectionate feelings. I might write about this subject later on as I try to understand it in more deeper levels. I mean that who thinks about average, plain things like their eye colour all day long. Maybe new kind of revelations come to as time goes by.

(Copyrights belongs to yours truly)

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