Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Pumpkins, pumpkins

Next year I'd like to go all American on Halloween.

Flickr doesn't let you use the url of the photographs - for understandable reasons. But just looking at any Halloween photographs, no matter what country they're from, if they are inspired by the over the top American-style, it looks amazing.


5 things you might not know about asexuality.

                                                                                             (Clickety click ^)

It seems there was an asexual awareness week some time ago(?) I don't really pay attention to any awareness-weeks or -months. Like I heard from somewhere that November is called "Movember" for men's campaign where they grow mustaches for prostate cancer awareness. Anyway, I decided to share this informative webpage and informative list on some things that sexual people and people who are wondering about their sexuality might want to know about asexual's especially about the things we can experience even when we don't have sexual desire towards anyone. Some people might even find themselves to be asexual after reading that list. It's just that some people might have false preconceptions about asexual's, and might not want to date us because of the false information they have about us. To some we might seem like people who can't give anything to sexual people. Like we're emotionless or our body doesn't function like a regular body does. So if you think, that you don't know enough, go read that information.

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